Monday, 22 January 2018

A Few Knowledgeable SAT Tips Aspirants Must Use

We all know that studying for the Scholastic Aptitude Test, better known as SAT is nothing less than a herculean task and as such many of the aspirants might not know where to begin with their preparation. A decent way to get yourself into that mode is to be acquainted with the test structure and various ways and strategies to adapt that can bring improvement to each section.

In this article, we as a reputed source for SAT coaching classes will provide many such aspirants with the comprehensive list of tips that they should utilize and get best scores at their SAT.

Tip1: Process of elimination

An important rule for the SAT is the fact that there is only one correct answer for each question. Hence, the aspirant must be able to eliminate the rest of the wrong answer so as to reach the correct answer. If you are struggling with a question, instead of finding the reason for the option that could work, try finding reasons to rule out the other three options and reach to that one correct option.

Tip 2: Learn from your mistakes

If you want to see a big change in your performance, this will be the tip to implement. Practice questions and spare time to understand each mistake – why you happen to make this mistake, how can you avoid it in the future and doing this time and again will guarantee a good score.

SAT Reading Tips

Tip 3: Concentrate on Connotation and Context

This tip will help in answering a challenging question in the reading section. Search for words that show positive and negative meaning in the passage part that the question is referring to. This will help in eliminating a few choices, even though you might still have no clue for the right choice among the choices left.

Similarly, context is also important. Do not simply look at the referencing line, look around it too. Also, it is a good idea to look for contrasting words like- rather than, still or however.

Tip 4: Read the Passages Cleverly

It is important to develop a strategic passage reading habit for the SAT. This will save both time and stress. Here a few methods that the aspirants can make use of-
Skim the passage first
Skip straight to the questions
Read the passage in full

SAT Math Tips

Tip 5: Pay Attention to Filling Content Gaps First

If you think you have problems with the basic math skills, then it is must to solve these gaps before going ahead with your SAT preparation. As it does not matter how many SAT practice test you take, these content gaps will pull you down in scores every time. Being uncomfortable with a certain math section and leaving it for later is no excuse, it is important that you work on your weaknesses and this will improve your score dramatically.

Tip 6: Formulas are important

Even though the syllabus for SAT math section does not have a set list of formulas to follow, you will lose both time and speed by constantly turning back to reference them. Instead of going back, it is better to memorize certain basic to advance formulas beforehand.
 SAT Writing Tips

Tip 7: Memorize Grammar Rules

The writing section in SAT has a precise yet standardized approach to the English grammar, hence it is helpful to learn by heart the rules and reduce confusion. 

Tip 8: Give utmost attention to NO CHANGE Answers

If you are putting NO CHANGE option for a lot many questions, its time you go back and check for your answers. In keeping with the expertise of professionals (offering SAT Coaching classes, with years of experience in the education sector), we totally believe that NO CHANGE will only be the answer for about 25% or less questions (provided they have NO CHANGE option). If you are choosing it more, it’s time to verify your answers again.

Tip 9: Speed-read the Paragraph Before Answering Rhetoric Questions

Contrasting grammar questions (which require the candidates to read through a couple of sentences and answer correctly), rhetoric questions challenges the candidates to speed read entire passage paragraphs as a whole so as to reach to the correct answer. Some examples of rhetoric questions include: logical sequences of sentences, sentence function and author’s tone and style.

Tip 10: For multiple correct answers in grammar, pick the one that is more concise

Conciseness is one of the skills of SAT writing tests, which means use as few words as possible to clearly deliver the meaning. For answering this section, a candidate should have complete knowledge of grammar along with the best implementation of the grammar rules.

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